The excitement continues to grow! So many of you have told us in your on words that the concept for engage! is "Exactly what I have been looking for!"
We have added wedding professionals from Dallas, Virginia, St. Augustine, Vero Beach, Jacksonville, Delray Beach and more! The mix of attendees is what is really great - where else do so many DIFFERENT types of related professionals from all over get to come together in a boutique-style setting to interact and focus for a day on their personal and professional growth?!
The other night Kathryn and I had the chance to catch up with the fab Susan Moynihan, editor in chief of Destination Weddings & Honeymoons Magazine. She is planning to join us for the entire day and we can't wait for her session! She brings such a unique perspective to the business of destination weddings and will share her insights on shifts in the market, what her readers [your brides!] are really looking for and and asking along with how to get noticed and stand out in a sea of editorial/Real wedding pitches.
Questionnaire: We really want to target the content for YOU. We have developed a short questionnaire to send out to confirmed attendees to understand the most important and relevant topics and takeaways from your perspective. Look for this early next week and thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts so that we can ensure a customized program for those joining us!
Event Size: Many have asked just what "intimate" means...which is totally valid! As this is the first of its kind, we are learning as we go what the response is. Judging from the past 2 weeks - pretty positive!! We want to create a balance of intimacy and at the same time allow for a good cross-section of professionals to promote quality networking. That being said - we can say it will be less than 100...which compared to the many professional industry events and conferences we have attended - is a nice number to accomplish what we set out to do! Please feel free to contact us directly with specific questions - we are happy to answer anything or share more details with you.
Room: So many are traveling in to join us. A reminder to book your rooms as soon as possible at Celebration Hotel as they are limited! Special rates are $169.00 per night. Call 1-888-499-3800 or email to reserve.
Getting Together: In keeping with the super-fun group that is coming together, a few attendees have expressed interest in planning an informal 'pre-event' Happy Hour the night of June 2nd in Celebration. A great way to get to know some of the other professionals coming on for the event and to get to explore our little 'town!' We will share more details closer in but if this is of interest to you - make flight arrangements accordingly!
That's it for now - keep checking back often for the latest and greatest on how engage!08 is coming together!!!! We can't wait to meet everyone in person!